Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Flashback to '76

Thomascean Brandon was Cook County Extension Adviser, Home Economics. She earned a bachelor's degree from Jackson State in Mississippi in 1955, and had been in her Cook County position since 1973.

Her career up to that date also included being a Home Economics Teacher for two years and a Youth Adviser for four years.

Looking forward to seeing lots of former co-workers and friends tomorrow at the Summer Reunion! There should be about 30 of us in all.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Don't Miss Out on the Summer Reunion

The Summer Reunion for IEAFCS Life Members and friends is July 30th at American Harvest Eatery in Springfield. Everyone received information from Sharon Kuhns on June 29th.This a photo of our group last year.

There are three days left to get your reservation in. We have around 25 people attending so far. Please let Jananne Finck know by July  24th if you will be able to join us. Her e-mail is in the message you received.

If you need additional information, send a note to and I will forward it to you. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Flashback to '76

Arlene Bond was Greene County Extension Adviser, Home Economics. She had an Associate of Arts degree from Rend Lake College and a B.S. from Southern Illinois University in 1972. A previous position was supervisor of CHEP in Jackson County for two years. Arlene had been in Greene County since 1975. Anyone know where she is now?

Don't forget that the Summer Reunion is coming up on July 30th. Reservations are needed by July 24 to Jananne Finck. Everyone has received a reminder. More details here in a few days!