Saturday, June 16, 2012

Good News Concerning FCS Positions!

We learned at the last IEAFCS Board meeting that there are several new Family and Consumer Science positions being filled in Extension. If you know any of these individuals or if they are in your area, you might want to welcome them--and encourage them to join IEAFCS.

Unit 10 (Henderson, Knox, McDonough & Warren counties) has hired Cara Allen to be their Family Life Educator. Her start date is June 25.  Unit 10/11 is sharing a Nutrition and Wellness Educator. Her name is Mekenzie Lewis, and she is scheduled to begin on July 16. 

There are other positions being filled in JoDaviess/ Stephenson/ Winnebago and Boone/ Dekalb/ Ogle as well. Contact the local County Directors (Margaret Larson and Vicky Broos) for names and start dates.

Filling of some of these positions has been "in the works" for quite some time, and it is good to get individuals with FCS expertise into the system. 

Also, Cheri Burcham, Family Life educator in two units (Champaign//Ford, Iroquois/Vermillion) and (Coles/Cumberland/ Douglas/Moultrie, Shelby) will change to only one unit effective July 1st. There will be another position filled after that as well.

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