Friday, January 29, 2016

Wrapping Up Nashville--on to Niagara Falls!

After four very enjoyable days of seeing the best that Nashville had to offer, we headed home. It was still warm there, but some places in Illinois had snow that we learned about as we headed north.

It was very nice just to set our bags outside the door, and have them loaded on the bus for us. There was one last good breakfast at the hotel, and we settled in on the bus for a movie, a nap, some brain teaser games, or whatever!

One final order of business was to give Carol a small gift of appreciation for all the effort she put into making it a wonderful trip. Thanks to Janet Burnett for helping with a gift idea. As you can see, Carol was surprised and pleased.                   

As promised at the beginning of this trip summary, we will identify those who made the journey with us.
Pictured at the Parthenon are: Front row left to right: Joe Harrison, Glennon Schlitt, Martha Speir, Karen Barker, Rusti Grogan, Anita Dickey, and Joy Richey.

Second row/middle: Kathy Harrison, Carol Schlitt, Pam Slack, Rachel Richey,  Sharon Kuhns, Cammy Seguin, and Cyndi Westjohn.

The back rows include Donna Mueller, Rick and Ruby Lingle, Jananne Finck, Gary Slack, Janet Burnett, Sheila Grebel-Kertz, Debbie McClellan, Clyde and Linda Griffey, Pam and Tom Binger.

And--if I have anyone incorrectly identified, someone please tell me.

As hinted in the title of today's post, tentative plans are to visit Niagara Falls in October 2016. Watch for more details from Carol as she puts together another fun experience!

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